
What do you want to do next in your career?

At var­i­ous times in our lives, we expe­ri­ence peaks and val­leys — times of change when we’re assess­ing what we want to do next in our careers and in our lives.  Change can be an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for refo­cus­ing and growth — for peak expe­ri­ences.  It can also be a time of appre­hen­sion and uncer­tain­ty — when you feel down in the val­leys of life.  We all expe­ri­ence changes in our lives and tran­si­tions in our careers — whether you’re at the begin­ning, the mid-point or mov­ing toward the end of your career.

You may be won­der­ing how you want to grow, what dreams you want to pur­sue, and how you can pur­sue your dreams while man­ag­ing all the oth­er demands of your life.

What tal­ents do you have that you’re not tap­ping?  What skills and inter­ests do you want to use?  What val­ues are impor­tant to you that you want to be sure are reflect­ed in your work?  And how do you iden­ti­fy career options that would fit who you are and what you want to do?

What kind of future do you want to create for yourself?

Why not use this time as an oppor­tu­ni­ty for you?  I can work with you to help you find your career path — to wend your way through the peaks and val­leys of life.  This career path may involve a major change for you — a “leap” to a new field or  pur­su­ing new edu­ca­tion or train­ing or it may involve a small­er change — a “shift” to work with­in your cur­rent career field or your cur­rent orga­ni­za­tion.  Let’s sit down and fig­ure this out togeth­er.

Don’t wait!  Call me at 860–874-1367 or e‑mail me at eletajones@gmail.com to sched­ule your first appoint­ment.